Busy With IndianPetDogs.com
My aff marketing and internet marketing work has been keeping me pretty busy for quite some time now but at same time there are a hell lot of other things that I have been trying to do. One of them is launch of IndianPetDogs.com - a site dedicated to dog breeders and kennel owners in India. I have been feeling that there was plenty of space for such a site in Indian scenario.
The dog market is booming, almost as good as it would be in any other part of world. However people are still trading offline, most of them don't even have their own website to showcase their dog. So I thought why not, lets take a shot at it. Till now most of the publicity is word of mouth publicity. Most dog owners that we have talked to have been very enthusiastic about the website and feel there is a lot to come in this area.
Dog owners, kennel owners can place their own classified ads, create their profiles, create forums and communities. We plan to rope in a lot of dog shows sponsorship as the site gains momentum.
There is a lot to be done in this area and I hope this site for dogs in India hits the #1 spot.