Drupal Taxonomy.  

I started adding categorization and vocabularies to my site today. Looks like a feature quite similar to lables offered below by blogger.com.
The Drupal Taxonomy module i.e. categories is definitely one of the features that most of the people look for and is definitely a step ahead of Joomla. It allows any webmaster to organize his content with a great flexibility and in a knowledge sharing manner.

I will just show how web content can be organized using this Drupal Categories module.

I have done it using Drupal 5.X with admin permissions.

I will use my acne site for reference. I needed to categorize topics into various heads like Acne, Causes of Acne, Acne Treatment, Acne Products, Acne Solutions ( a whole lot of acne related terms).
Lets pick up only three of these - Acne, Causes of Acne, Acne Treatment.

First thing is to plan your content structure e.g. right above, i have planned out my content structure, where each content from my site will go to either of these three tags only.

Now you need to create a vocabulary for the text.
To do this follow the following steps:
click administer > categories > click the 'add vocabulary' tab

In this screen type "Acne Topic" as vocabulary name.

Now you need to set the binding of vocabulary to content type. If you want to do this for pages e.g. I have set my vocabulary to be used with the content of type pages then check the Pages content type. Next, click the checkbox called Multiple select. This allows you to select multiple vocabulary for same content.
We will not experiment with other options right now.

The next step is to add terms to your vocabulary, by terms i mean the tags/labels that we defined above.
To do this.
click administer > categories > click the 'add terms' tab

Give a name to this term e.g. "Acne Treatment"
now give a description to this term, this descriptions shows up in the hover text of the link or tag and can be a useful feature.

You can review your vocabulary by clicking list terms on to the right of your Topic.
You will see something like this:

Acne Topic
-Causes of Acne
-Acne Treatment

This is the basic idea on how to define the content structure.

Test it out by creating a page.

On the administer menu:
click create content > Page.
Now you will see a newly created "Acne Topic" tag near the top of form.
Type the Title,
choose Acne treatment as the acne topic (you can also choose multiple tags) then write some text in the Body field and click submit.

Your newly uploaded page will be tagged "Acne treatment"
click on the tag to see all the articles with the same tag.

Its a very useful content organization technique that not only helps the administrators but even the visitors looking for information on related text.

Let me know if you run into a problem.


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